Nomination Form

To make your nomination, please complete this form. Your submission will be reviewed by a Committee Member.

Currently accepting nominations for 2018, Q1.

In recognition of exemplary job performance and outstanding contributions to Envision, I would like to nominate the following employee for the “Keys to Excellence” Q4 Recognition Award:
Please check the reasons you want to provide for your nomination:

My In Progress Nominations

Sergio Harry | SharePoint Business System Analyst | SEAS Dept.
4th. Quarter 2017
Sergio Harry | SharePoint Business System Analyst | SEAS Dept.
4th. Quarter 2017

My Processed Nominations

Sergio Harry | SharePoint Business System Analyst | SEAS Dept.
4th. Quarter 2017

Pending Requests

Sergio Harry | SharePoint Business System Analyst | SEAS Dept.
4th. Quarter 2017
Carlos Miranda

Processed Nominations

Sergio Harry | SharePoint Business System Analyst | SEAS Dept.
4th. Quarter 2017
Carlos Miranda
Sergio Harry | SharePoint Business System Analyst | SEAS Dept.
4th. Quarter 2017
Carlos Miranda

About Our Nomination Program

The Keys to Excellence program provides [monthly] [quarterly] recognition of an Envision Professional/Technical or Support Staff member who demonstrates:

  • A positive attitude toward work responsibilities, co-workers, and customers, and serves as a role model for others;
  • Commitment to quality in carrying out job responsibilities above and beyond the call of duty, and is an asset to Envision;
  • A willingness to exercise servant-leadership, take initiative, and accept and carry out additional responsibilities beyond regular job assignments for the good of the campus community as a whole;
  • Demonstrates recent extraordinary act(s) for which the member is nominated.

Candidates for the award must meet the following criteria:

  • Nominee must be a full-time, part-time Professional/Technical or Support Staff employee of Envision.
  • Must have been employed for at least one (1) year at Envision.
  • Can be employed at any of Envision’s physical locations.
  • Has not been selected as Employee of the Month within the past twelve (12) months.
  • Has a positive attitude toward work responsibilities, co-workers, and customers, and serves as a role model for others.
  • Is willing to take initiative, and accepts and carries out additional responsibilities beyond regular job assignments.

Disclaimer: The K2E Committee Chair has the right to verify nomination content with the nominee’s supervisor. For privacy, the names of nominees will remain confidential and anonymous (except for Committee Chairs) and only information in the text boxes in the Nomination Form will be viewed by the K2E Employee Recognition Committee to avoid any bias.